Cybersecurity Compliance Concerns

As we have emphasized here before, regardless of personal opinions, China continues to take significant steps towards becoming one of the most strict jurisdictions in the world with respect to cybersecurity and data protection. With that in mind, we designed a DaWo Academy course on these issues as part of our ongoing “Legal Training for Non-Legal Managers” program for company executives. The program aims to provide you with essential skills and information to enhance your ability to make well-informed decisions.

On March 19, 2021, the first in a series of training courses commenced. Our Cybersecurity and Data Law Counsel Nathaniel Rushforth put on a six-hour course titled “Cybersecurity Compliance and Data Protection – An effective approach to your company’s cybersecurity self-assessment” at our Shanghai offices.

The training course attracted a diverse group of attendees, including the CEO of an internet consulting company, the IT manager of a company focusing on medical data, a semiconductor company’s marketing manager, as well as the CFO of a smart technology supplier.

Course content included an overview of the current state of cybersecurity and data compliance laws in China, as well as a broad look at the Multi-Level Protection Scheme (MLPS) 2.0, and a roadmap for performing internal evaluations of compliance status, gaps, and ultimately implementing effective internal compliance best practices.

Let us know if you have any questions about the above topics. We will be more than happy to help.